Send PDF invoices from XML

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A maze of standards
and systems

Many customers receiving like documents as PDF attachments in an e-mail. They have adapted document processing accordingly. Other customers may prefer to receive them via (s)FTP or some other method. And many customers would much rather see documents appear in a completely different format, such as an XML file. 

Asking customers to work jointly with one standard is a hopeless task. Every customer has to deal with 100s or 1000s of suppliers, each with their own requirements and systems. 


4x warp standards


Conversion of data to PDF documents

With 4Exchange, every document to be sent from your order to cash or ERP system, is converted to the desired standard and delivered via the customer's desired distribution method. receiving customers X and Y like to send documents as PDF by (s)FTP, then these customers will receiving it as such. 


In addition, the information on the PDF document to be sent will first be validated on the basis of your master data sources. This not only creates an outgoing flow of PDF documents, but also ensures their quality. 




Just sending 100, 500 or 1,000 invoices a day is a time-consuming task. Especially if customers have different wishes on how they want or need this information receiving. Within our document automation expertise, we have far-reaching knowledge of billing.

4Exchange takes care of sending all sales invoices in a predetermined manner per debtor. Sending the sales invoice can be done by mail or e-mail, for example, but also through various electronic billing networks, such as Peppol, Tungsten, Ariba, Coupa, Basware Network, Tradeshift, et cetera. 



The silent engine behind your
order to cash



4EX_over_our_icon_win THE EVERYONE

4Exchange offers a wide range of techniques that convert information from your own systems into files or documents that aresent to your customers. 4Exchange thus contributes to the digital transformation of your processes.

In addition to conversion to PDF documents, 4Exchange also converts data to other types of files and documents.

4EX_about_our_icon_team THE DEVELOPER

4Exchange works as a platform between order to cash / ERP systems and customers' receiving channels. Thanks to 4Exchange , customers do not have to adapt to your order to cash / ERP systems. Herein lies the power of 4Exchange.

Customers continue to receive PDF documents from you receiving. We actively inform them of a different shipping address and monitor progress.

4EX_over_us_icon_certified THE CONFORMIST

4Exchange offers more than just one-to-many conversion of data to PDF documents, among other things.

We ensure that the data complies with national and international legislation.

In addition, 4Exchange validates and enriches the data based on selected master data sources.


Receive and send invoices effortlessly?

Boost your financial records soon.

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