
invoice receiving | invoice delivery | Compliance | Onboarding

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Every invoice instantly processable by the recipient

Invoices are sent in all types, forms and standards. The government is fielding e-invoices and increasingly imposing obligations on business invoices, while implementation varies widely internationally. This ensures that sending and receiving invoices remains a viscous process.


Standardized invoice receiving,
flexible invoice delivery

With the 4Exchange e-billing platform, invoices are delivered directly processable to any receiving party. All in compliance with applicable legislation.


Don't let simple, time-consuming work cost a lot.
received invoices are 1) captured 24/7 by 4Exchange, 2) instantly converted to a standardized form, 3) validated with master data sources, 4) possibly registered with a government, and 5) delivered to your invoice processing system.

Invoices directly processable at customer's premises, in compliance with Government obligations.
Outgoing invoices are 1) captured 24/7 by 4Exchange , 2) instantly converted to each debtor's desired format and standard, 3) validated with master data sources, 4) registered with a government, if applicable, and 5) delivered through each debtor's desired channel.

Standards such as Peppol

Governments are increasingly requiring companies to share business invoices (see Continuous Transaction Controls). We closely follow international e-invoicing developments, so you don't have to. As a Peppol Access Point, for example, we handle invoices in accordance with the Peppol standard. But we can also handle standards like DICO, EDIFACT, ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, just fine.


Prevent invoice fraud and late failures in invoice processing

Because we always have invoice information in data form in invoice conversion, we validate, correct and enrich invoice data with selectable master data sources. 

For example, supplier recognition can be set up by a combination of IBAN, Chamber of Commerce or VAT number.    


Passing on change of address

The power of the 4Exchange platform is that the systems and practices in use at your own financial administration, and those of your suppliers and customers, do not need to be changed. However, invoices will have to be sent to other addresses or invoices will be sent from other addresses. Suppliers and customers will have to be informed about this. We can also take care of this. 



Receive and send invoices effortlessly?

Boost your financial administration without having to modify your current systems.

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