Case study

4Exchange and Schotpoort

E-invoices are sent quickly and error-free and therefore paid quickly

As the number of (semi-)government partners in their client base increased, Schotpoort Connect felt the urgency to find a solution for sending electronic invoices. IT manager Marcel Blom explains what they needed. "When a current or potential client indicates they want electronic invoices receiving, it's important to be supported quickly and effectively."

4X-Document reception-sending


Schotpoort Connect is expert in customized logistics solutions for complex transportation issues; whether it is urgent shipments, items with non-standard dimensions, or specialized transportation such as secure, air-conditioned and medical transport. In addition, they offer warehousing and transit services.

In addition to its headquarters in Eerbeek, Gelderland, Schotpoort Connect also has branches in Nieuwegein, Vijfhuizen and Wijchen. Together with SBPost and Connect For You, the company is part of Schotpoort Transport Group.

Governments need to e-invoice

Schotpoort Connect regularly tenders for tenders and works for various (semi-) government agencies. Since a few years it is mandatory for governments and other contracting services to work with e-billing. This obviously has implications for contractors such as Schotpoort.

Initially, the Eerbeek-based logistics service provider had only one government client who wanted electronic invoices receiving. For this client, Schotpoort Connect had developed a method to send pdf invoices via Peppol.

Looking for new e-billing solution

This approach was satisfactory until another existing Schotpoort client, as part of a new tender, set specific requirements for receiving e-invoices in XML format via Peppol. However, Schotpoort's software at the time did not support sending XML invoices. This forced the company to look for a new e-billing solution to meet these requirements.

Marcel explains that in their search for a new supplier, they were especially looking for a party that can move quickly and efficiently. receiving"Once an existing or new customer wants invoices via e-billing , you want to be helped quickly and well." That's what they found in 4Exchange. Direct communication and shared language, as well as an emphasis on security, were other crucial factors in their decision.

E-invoices are paid quickly

The solution is now fully up and running. About 10 percent of the outgoing invoices at Schotpoort are e-invoices. These, like the other invoices, are prepared in the transport management system MendriX. Marcel then exports them and makes sure they end up in the 4Exchange portal. From there, the e-invoices automatically go to the client in the correct format via the Peppol network. 

"For us, this way works perfectly," Marcel notes with satisfaction. "4Exchange always works and there are never any problems. Because the e-invoices are sent quickly and error-free, they are also paid quickly."

He adds, "Adding new customers to our e-invoicing solution is a piece of cake. This is especially convenient because we have already established relationships with some (semi-)government organizations that are currently in the preparatory phase for electronic billing. Once they are ready, we can effortlessly scale up without having to make drastic changes to deliver e-invoices correctly. Moreover, I expect electronic billing to play an even greater role in the future, not only in government procurement but also in the broader business market. This is a development I very much welcome. We are ready for it!"


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