EN 16931

About the European e-billing standard

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What is the EU e-invoicing standard documentation?

Documentation on the EU e-invoicing standard(EN 16931) is a comprehensive set of rules and methods established by the European Union to make the exchange of electronic invoices smooth and uniform between its countries.

It is part of the EU's larger plan to drive digital transformation, make cross-border transactions easier and improve the functioning of its internal market.

In simple terms, the documentation explains what details an e-invoice should have and its format, ensuring uniformity for every e-invoice regardless of its origin within the EU. The guide has several sections, each highlighting a different aspect of electronic invoicing. Together they form the "standard," but individually they can range from technical details to in-depth analysis.

The different parts of this standard are as follows:

Part 1: Semantic data model

This section defines the core semantic data model of electronic invoices, specifying the essential data elements and their interrelationships. It provides a common framework for structuring invoice data to ensure consistency and interoperability.

Part 2: List of syntaxes

This specifies a list of allowed syntaxes that can be used to express the semantic data model defined in Part 1. This includes syntaxes such as UN/CEFACT Cross-Industry Invoice (CII), Universal Business Language (UBL) and others.

Part 3: Methodology for syntactic linkages.

This section provides guidance on how to map the semantic data model from Part 1 to specific syntaxes listed in Part 2. It provides a methodology for creating interoperable electronic invoices using the chosen syntax.

Part 4: Core elements and requirements for conforming syntaxes

This sets out the core elements and requirements that must be present in conformant syntaxes. It ensures that syntaxes meet the guidelines of the standard to maintain consistency and interoperability.

Part 5: Conformance artifacts

This section provides conformance artifacts and examples to help organizations and software developers effectively implement the EN 16931 standard. It includes sample invoices and guidelines for validation.

Part 6: Application of legal requirements to electronic invoices

This part of the standard focuses on the legal aspects of electronic invoicing, including how electronic invoices must comply with legal requirements and regulations within the European Union.

This comprehensive view ensures that everything from technical issues to business niceties are covered.


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